mR Spencer ,You old Chap Man,
Yeah,we believe you when you wrote that novel claiming that the Malayan jungle is the great equalizer giving one and all who enters a fair go.Woe befall the meateater who sweats profusely for that's the best attraction for all species of kamikaze mosquitoes,and the huge bees who make a beeline for your most sensitive "X" spot.I would douse my body with litres of repellant before I set a toe into those jungle ,if I had the slightest inkling of what "adventure" awaits.
Of course ,not to forget to make a generous donation should those bloodsuckers leech on your juicy thighs,these squirmy creepy crawlies like to pounce unaware on unsuspecting trekkers who would trudge around with heavy footsteps,triggering their motion sensors which are ever alert to a hearty meal.
Hmmn looking for some peace and quiet in the jungle.Think again.The cacophony of all manners of insects and hoots from unseen enemies would drown all ideas of a silent night.
Then dispel all thoughts of a relaxing retreat in an idyllic rural setting.You can do better by enjoying a virtual tour of the tropical hothouse in the armchair comfort of your cushy sofa.
But then again,we're suckers for "thrills" and sadists for "look before you venture"adventures.