Sunday, October 21, 2007

The 21st birthday of the human race

The 21st birthday of the human race should be a cause for celebration - for a coming of age party.

Wow! Give yourself a pat on the back.Bring out the cake for we have come a long way .
21 is the magical age-we've crossed the line that marks us as mature,rational adults and what have we in the album to show for it?

Report card

State of the playground: still virginal in some places but rapidly losing its innocence as others play catch up

State of comfort: Depends on where you are,need hardly to lift a finger or break your back looking for food and water

State of peaceful co-existence: Just recovered from a bad cold but immune system not sufficiently fortified against a systemic breakdown

Truth is we are still keeping afloat in this ocean of humanity .But phew ain't it getting hot here nowadays? Chill it.

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