Friday, November 2, 2007

The Foundation of Happiness

Jian zhe ji de kuai le zhai bie ren de tong ku shang

Building your happiness on the sorrow of others

Membina mahligai kegembiraan anda diatas kesengsaraan orang lain

" You work and support your family and parents."
"You work and support the socio-religious institutions."
"You work and suport the government."
When you cannot work,who will support you?

Despite the changes in the social conditions and political structures within which individuals set up families,bring up children and grow old ,despite the upheavals in their personal lives,the strongest impetus that pushes people out of the warmth of familiarity would be the gnawing hunger in their stomachs,and the dream of a better life for their children.

Some toil away in far off lands- all for the hopes of a better life

Within the four seas,all men are brothers

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