Thursday, September 22, 2011

a whole new meaning

How has IT changed the meaning of the word?

You know you're not from the 20th century when you find out:

I think that there's been a leak has nothing to do with that soggy patch at the front of the pants.

Have you zipped it or you unzip it has nothing to do with that contraption that unites the right side to the left side of the pants .

sh$%! it has crashed has nothing to do with the car or the stock market.

interface has nothing to do with how your mom looks before she puts on her foundation and after she has applied her make up.

the worm that has infested the Apple will make you reach out for the thrashbin to throw away those rotten applets or forget about it by getting a new tablet.

Can the disabled and visually challenged drive one day

A possibility if electric cars are equipped with special sensors that are voice activated and GPS on the dash board.The driver keys in his position and the destination.Lampposts could be equipped with sensors that pick up signals emitted by the electric vehicle and traffic lights have CCTV and sensors that tell the driver if he's on the right track by giving signals that can be transformed into voices.

Billboards should be huge interactive screens that enable a person to talk with the GPS sensor on the dashboard that enables one to find out where they are if they're lost.

In future billboards can be changed without the need to construct big boards that mar the scenic beauty of the landscape,function as mobile maps that tells you the nearst hotel,hospital and facilities

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