Tuesday, August 22, 2017


"At about the age of six or seven, I realized that of all the invisible powers the one 
I was destined to be most strongly affected and dominated by was music. 
 From that moment on,I had a world of my own, a sanctuary and a heaven
 that no one could take away from me. Oh, music! A melody occurs to you;
 you sing it silently, inwardly only; you steep your being in it;it takes posses
sion of all your strength and emotions, and during the time it lives in you, it effaces all that is fortuitous, evil, coarse and sad in you; it brings the world 
into harmony with you, it makes burdens light and gives wings to  depressed spirits.   "     
Herman Hesse  (German poet)

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Off key singing

Last night,at two am, I was roused from slumber by this caterwauling off key singing of Jun's Thai love song.He's rehearsing for some audition or what not but this blood curdling screeches have some grave consequences in that:

it raises hell
it's loud enough to wake up the dead from their tombs
it'makes werewolves howl in pain

so I gave him a tongue lashing that he should just let sleeping dogs lie
or all hell would break loose as insomniacs make the worse zombies.I gave him a piece of my mind and one look at my blood shot eyes was enough to see that I was on the point of blowing up and he was that close to being rendered as the prime ingredients of a minced pie.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

two different approaches

I've viewed amole gupta's movie Stanley's Da Kabba or tiffin box and The lunch box by Ritesh Batra.Both revolved around a lunch box and while one focuses on a lonely aging bachelor and a wrongly delivered lunch box in Mumbai's famous delivery system ,the other focuses on a young student,a naughty one who is gifted not in academic but poetry and dance and unappreciated except by classmates and the English teacher who spots his creative imagination.Both movies are set in a very Indian context but has universal appeal in its characterisation.