Monday, November 6, 2017

Creative industries

The Japanese creative industries have such talented people. I thought that Your name is-the manga by Makato has appeal to adults more than children but his anime The Garden of Words is bold in tackling a taboo romance that bridges the chasm of age and occupations.An unbelievable narrative is given scope for imaginative retelling through the attention of sparse dialogue,haunting music and breathtaking visuals of a park.The magical realism is possible in the artist's hands so much so that I couldn't expect a male director to understand the vulnerability and despair of the heroine.
Fantastic storytelling skills.
  We Malaysian women can also be proud of creative artistes that defies the status quo like Yasmin Ahmad's ability to tell the Malaysian story that is individualistic and original without being a copycat.We are also proud of international artistes like Michelle Yeoh in able to be like a chameleon from sensitive heavydrama of Aung Sang Su Kyi or the Soong Sisters or Memoirs of a Geisha to serious heavy kung fu fighting movies like the Reign of Assasins to Hollywood science fiction.We are proud of Ambiga for leading us to speak up and stand up for civilian rights.
      Young females in Malaysia have a lot to look up to and far to go.
China is getting bolder in revising moves to address imbalance in gender rights. 
Compared to other East Asia nations, out of 15 self made women billionaires in the world ,all but one are from the Asia Pacific with 10 which is 67% are from China.The good thing about the one child policy is that the Chinese females have the educational opportunity to reach their fullest potential.Now China is progressive enough to try to allow children to inherit the mother's surname or have both parents surname officially recognised.
It's not just paying lip service to gender equality.
   Being single in China  is even celebrated as a day  acknowledging self independence is a rewarding experience.Unlike the traditional fate of women,marriage is not the be all and end all of life.Males should feel relieved as they need not shoulder the financial burden of breadwinner alone and so they should chip in by doing the household chores.


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