Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The taste of memory

The taste of memory

Mom I'm munching on unhealthy snacks
Echoing in my ear "don't eat heaty food"
Bad for health -it's junk
Mom, good food taste blah but junk food is addictive
These prawn crackers you've fried you hid out of sight
Just so I don't snack non stop
That which is bad gives me a kick
That which is good is hard to swallow
For I live to eat and not eat to live
I live to love and love to live
Those barley and herbal tea you boiled
To make our bodies strong and healthy
Is your way of saying you care for us
Those long hours of boiling herbal tonic soups
Is your way of saying you love us so much
Food is your gift of love to us
Food prepared with care 
Is the taste of the memory of love
A bittersweet  memory that lingers  
makes a lump in my throat
Choking over the junk fries I'm munching
Guilty as hell for forbidden food
Mama's"eat healthy food"rings in my ears
As the taste of memory returns with a vengence
I lick away the salty tears streaming down my face
As I recall your love that is never spoken but only shown
By the mooncakes you baked and the rice dumplings wrapped
There's a knot in my stomach
A lump in my throat
When i recall the memory of love that lingers
Bittersweet it tastes ,never boring or bland
Drink the herbal tonic,then the eat the apricotplum sweet
Eat the bitter in life,later the sweet will follow
Xian ku hou tian
I miss this taste of memory
The memory of your love forever
You were my pillar of strength in my moment of weakness
My shelter from the storms of life
My shadow that never left my side in good or bad times
How uneasy you looked when I told you "I love you"
But I must tell you before you never get the chance to hear it
You mean the world to me.
You bring back the taste of memory
The memory of a lifetime of love. 

1 comment:

iceberg said...

i just viewed Jia Zhang ke Chinese New Year short clip shot with an I phone X.It has such a compassionate angle of family bonds of maternal love that brings back the taste of food cooked by my late mom on chinese new year-so nostalgic.Jia Zhang Ke makes very humane movies of individuals in realistic situations in life.I viewed his movie The World and Still Life and this new clip shows the ties that bind people to their environment.Food that unites us across diverse generations.Red hard boiled eggs for birthday,or steaming niengao in banana leaves or wrapping dumplings in bamboo leaves show our ancestry bonds.So when my brother burned the family's ancestral tablet to cut off "idol worship",he is denying the very genetic DNA that flows in his blood and his ancestor's blood.That he cannot whitewash.