Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Plot of a sci fi crime thriller

I love the movie Inception starring Leonardo D caprio.It took 10 years for Chris Nolan to rewrite script for Inception.My hats off to such perseverance.Writing is tough work..

Just now as I was munching on breakfast,flashes of a new plot for a sci fi zapped my brain.

Alan was an ex soldier suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome.When he was captured and tortured by the enemies,he had theese recurring nightmares that he was being chased through a maze and discovered and captured by the enemy.He was blindfolded and heard screams as his mates were shot.
     To aid recovery,he volunteered in a neuro psychiatric  lab where Dr. Steve had invented a device that enabled the sleeper to control his responses in his dream as he is aware he is dreaming - a lucid dream.The wearer puts on a headband and some pads to his chest that monitors his heart rate and discharge mild electrical impulses to his brain.It records REM sleeps through monitoring the eye movement.After two years,he's able to retrain his brain through cognitive sublimal reprogramming to rewrite the narrative from a victim to a victor.
  Alan's son is severely autistic but in his silence,Troy finds a calmness that doesn't need words to convey his intentions.Troy ,his son has an innate ability to understand animal instincts and he brings back wounded sttrays and nurse them back to wellness.
    In the home is his elderly mother who helps to look after Troy since his wife left him and abandoned the child as she was unable to accept the reality of looking after him.
  one night,Alan comes back to see the house in total darkness.when he flips the switch,he freezes when he sees pools of blood near the sofa.His mother had been cruelly bludgeoned to death,the house is in a mess as someone  has been rummaging through the drawers and cupboards.
      Where was Troy? He finally found Troy utterly devastated and weeping quietly clutching the blinded dog and the cat he had rescued.
    As the only witness,the police couldnt get any information from Troy.Dr Steven had invented a new device The Mind Reader that can translate the brain waves of a sleeper and visualize his dreams in 3D.Perhaps Troy could be induced into a deep sleep and the police could get a clue to the crime scene.
  As Alan views the screen of the desktop,he feels he in looking at the house through Troy's eyes.The house is lit by pools of soft table lamps-Troy reaches to the kitchen cabinet and brings down the bag of dog and cat food.He whistles softly and the loyal dogs comes leaping into the kitchen followed by a cool cat lazily strolling in.Troy gives the dog a hug and pours the food into a bowl,Just as he turns his back to the sink to fill the bowl with water,he hears the sound of something crashing in the living room outside- Nan,are you ok,he shouts and runs to the living room.A woman turns around.He freezes 'Mom,what are you doing here?" " Son, I'm sorry you have to see me in this way,trust me ,I'm here to protect you,have you seen where your dad keeps his old CDs-those he had when he came back from the war?"
 "Mom,is that why you've come back?" "Are you planning to return to us?'
 Alan's heart skipped a beat as he heard the plaintive plea in his son's voice.
 No,darling,don't ask .Just tell me where your dad has rearranged his collection of CDs.
"Mom,are you ok? Why are you doing this?
"It's for your own safety not to know too much.
Dad moved the CDs to his psychiatriast office.He says Dr Steve can help him to wipe out the nightmares from the time he was in Afghnistan.
"thanks,love.I've torun.Don't tell anyone that you saw me.Your life may be in danger otherwise.You're a good boy.I 'll always love you." 

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