Monday, July 23, 2018

An ending finally

The ending is here and now a new beginning awaits.Freedom ,how does it taste?
                It's the wind that  rustles the trees -moving but unseen
                It's the flock of birds leaving the sheltering trees as it flies upwards to an open sky
               It's a candle flickering in the darkness

I think the greatest blessing Chief Priest has given me is the gift of good health.Health is wealth but we take it for granted until we've lost it so thanks for blessing me with it.

"Some persons are like letters carved on a rock,they easily give way to anger and retain their angry thoughts for a long time.Some are like letters written in sand;they give way to anger also but the angry thoughts quickly pass away.Some men are like letters written in water;they do not retain their passing thoughts.But the perfect ones are like letters written in the wind,they let abuse and uncomfortable gossip pass by unnoticed.Their minds are always pure and undisturbed.
                                                                                Ven. Dhammananda

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