Saturday, January 4, 2025

Nostalgic memory

i had a nostalgic weird dream last nite it was surreal.when i was going out for dinner last nite I saw a large moth at the car park The Chinese believe it is the soul of a deceased who has come back to visit me.last nite i dreamt i was on vacation island hopping and going on board a boat.the sea was still and with briny taste in the air.then i bumped into a departed relative.when she was alive she loved the outddors like me.She was tanned and glowing and dyed her long hair bronze and plaited corn happy to see she is well and not the wasted,pale cancer stricken body of her sick self.We chatted how it was so hard to find cheap a accommodation during peak season and i complimented her on her wet and wild looks. what a weird dream because im happiest when im in the ocean swimming and carefree and we bonded again my kalyana mitra soulmate

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