Sunday, May 13, 2018

We are same same Malaysians lah

After 60 years,we have put aside our differences in skin,faiths and dressing to stand together to exercise our rights as citizens of ONE nation - a case of all citizens for One nation,One nation for all citizens.
   We did it without shedding a drop of blood or a big fanfare of soundbytes.
I'm proud of the young Malaysians -they make up 40% of voters and could bridge differences to unite at a critical moment in the nation's history and turn the tide against corruption,cronyism and abuse of power in a democratic manner.As my former high school principal always reminded us ,we may look different but inside we are the same same Malaysians at heart.Like rojak,we are made from different ingredients from cucumber,papaya,kangkung,sengkuang but in the salad bowl we are mixed by the same sauce.SEDAPnya.

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