Monday, August 22, 2022

In laws become out laws

 The thing about the clique mentality of Asian families is their bigoted blood is thicker than doesnt just marry a man but the whole clan has the right to control ones life.

The so called extended family especially with more than 6 siblings can be a real pain in the ass when they take it to give their two cents worth of unwanted opinion to a married couple ,when they should bear children or who should give up the job to be caretakers of aging in laws or what religion the children should follow,the kind of schooling etc..The Western married couple has more freedom to decide on things without interfering in laws.its worse when the inlaws become outlaws when outright tussle over inheritance matters descend to mudslinging n bad mouthing and they use the communal peer pressure to force others to conform.

Better to keep a distance from the interfering extended family.Absence makes the heart grow fonder i guess .i abhor the group think mentality used to besiege an individual to conform .

Things get ugly  when dowry is expected or what rites to follow during a funeral.Thats why the more western educated Asian girls prefer Western guys because they dont come with the baggage of a clan.My girl friends daughters are dating or marrying white guys because their families have less rigid social conventions or clannish traits .but of course,the stereotypes that white guys are more romantic is a gross exaggeration.Sometimes ive seen how they expect Asian girls to serve them hand and foot as theyre more submissive and obedient.but times have changed and these white emperors get a shock of their lives when their spouse expects them to handover their paycheck for the wifes safekeeping and they get an allowance in return as how Japanese women control household finances or the modern Chinese woman who isnt domesticated at all and expects the man of the house to cook and clean.

.Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.

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