Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Black flag in support of malaysian doctors in public hospitals who face racial discrimination in not getting permanent contract
systemic racism by ministry of health in not giving permanent contract to non bumiputra.a black day to not recognise sacrifices of all Malaysian doctors who put their lives at risk to battle the covid virus.
Purple blooms
my purple,lilac blloms finally.the water hyancinth n purple anonymous flower blooms.such a joy to my eyes
Watching rerun n reading old books
why doesnt the govt allow bookshops to reopen during the covid lockdown.im running out of new books to read and at time when mental health is important,books are a form of escape from reality of doom n gloom.they allow food for body but no nourishment for the mind when mind body health is holistic n interlinked.book excess,popular n borders are all closed so im rereading old novels from my library.old is gold.
Monday, June 28, 2021
QSranks in Asia university
im happy to be an alumni of University Malaya,reached within top 10th of universities in Asia in 2021.How much do Chinese value higher education is seen in almost all Sinic nations achieve top universities in Asia from Fudan,Beijing,Tsinghua,Zhejiang,Shanghai Jiao Tong,nanyang technological university,NUS,Hong Kong University.
for Malaysia private university,UCSI has 3rd highest ranking with a progressive,analytical,critical thinker like Professor Tajuddin at the helm as a Vice Chancellor.This guy is a public intellectual who is sharp,critical and inellectually rigorous in demanding cross disciplinary academic research n extensive knowledge base.
why vice chancellors should not be political appointment to safeguard academic freedom and standards!!!based on meritocracy,not cronyism
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Curly the cat
Curly the stray cat is adventurous.jumped onto balcony one nite,scratched door n rushed in to explore my home.today he curled up on top of my car,preening and sulked when i shoo her away
Racial n hate speech
with rise in antiAsian hate attacks n racial abuse,its not safe to teavel and be a tourist in some nations.tourists need to feel safe and not kicked,abused verbally or robbed.so for now after travel resumes,i will stick to Far East,indian sub continent,central Asia,Jordan,turkey,morocco to travel to.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Western food
had mashed avocado n fried egg on wholemeal bread,a glass of iced lemon tea and a cup of sour milk kefir with turkish cherry n south african blueberry.lunch is shell pasta in seafood carbonara sauce.
My reading corner
when i get insomnia,id curl up on my soft armchair to read until my brain is tired.its my reading corner to chillax.
Fusion food
i like to cook fusion food.mashed potato with truffles,braised oyster sauce chicken and nyonya pickle or acar with peanuts n sesame.a breakfast of wholemeal toast with cheese,chicken ham and grilled satay duck cubes with oat,rye tigermilk mushroom,avocado ncherry.dinner is shitake,greenn bell pepper,cucumber nbrinjal stuffed with fishpaste n pan fried n watercress chicken soup
Dualistic thinking vs symbiotic thinking
the biggest model of liberal democracy has leaders who dont agree to disagree as they think their model is superior over others.this reduces complex issues to a simplistic relativist world view of good pitched against evil.in practice,there are both strengths and weaknesses in different models of governance depending on the culture,history n social context.in a near homogenous society,the top down governance works when there is trust in authority working for interest of masses and masses faith in getting their fair share of prosperity in life.but it would be hard to work in a diverse,plural society with different sub cultures,values n historical context.thats when representation from multi party system is needed to get diverse views across.so it is not comducive to multilateral cooperation when one nation labels others as rogue nations or leaders of other nations as evil perpetrator with no soul.unless their own nations are perfect models of goodness with no harm n suffering caused to others,who are they to decide who is good or evil?
its the saviour syndrome to see the world in dualistic terms of we vs them,the good vs the evil.in reality,good and evil coexist in the same polity and it depends on whether circumstances brings forth the good or evil response.in trying to do"good",one nation can bring harm and suffering to other nations and cause widespread destruction and loss of lives of innocent civilians.so what good will it do?or does the end justify the means.the world view that looks at mutual benefit is far better as its symbiotic.your strenth complements my weakness but together we bring synergy to the relationship as the whole is stronger than the different parts that constitute it.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Domestic violence
france has a high case of femicide.im horrified and strongly condemn the states inaction to protect women from domestic violence.the case of valerie bacot who was raped at 12 years old by stepfather ,made pregnant 4 times n prostituted by him to other men makes me sick.where the heck is police protection who take domestic violence lightly as a family dispute when this women lodged police reports and NOTHING was done to rescue her.in the end she killed him under extreme provocation as she feared he might do the same to their teenage daughter.this man is a MONSTER who raped his own 12 year old sister and abused his exwife. this is outrageous that he be allowed to continue perpetuating his SICK acts and a travesty of justice that he is not charged and locked up behind bars for being a perverted endangerment to females.in fact he should be physically castrated.a bullet to the head is too kind to the monster.thought the sick father who had incest with his own daughter n fathered her children was vile and he imprisoned her for years in a secret basement at home,this case beats it.Justice is truly appallingly missing here.where are the human rights defenders.It is happening in Europe,the leading forefront of liberal democracy where respect and tolerance is touted.im outraged and indignant at inhumane treatment of females as sex slaves in a so called progressive nation.where black lives matter show failure of state to protect lives,,high femicide and sexual slavery shows failure of state to protect women from violence.its in attitude of patriarchical society to regard women as submissive to the will of men that this violence originates.the culture has to be changed.
It's the journey that matters,not the destination
Sometimes we're so focused on getting to the deestination that we lose track of our journey,the little things that matter.
so when you get there finally,you wonder what's all that hype about.ive got everything but nothing matters in the end.when you make your final exit,you only bring along your experiences and memory with you.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
A slow,lazy day
its a hot,sunny day.i start morning feeding my fish while having my cup of juice.then sunbathe in my garden of contemplation on annatta and annica.some plants dying of overwatering,others need watering.a garden is a labour of love.
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