Friday, March 14, 2025
Epic tale of Nezha 2
I watched the animated tale of Nezha 2.The artwork of sweeping landscapes was breathtaking.It was like the movie Avatar where alien creatures come alive the plot was well paced with some unexpected twists and turns in the battle between Taoist deities and the evil villains.The script had some heartwarming lines on family bonds and asks us not to make judgements based on superficial was a well constructed movie with the characters having larger runs of than life motives and the animation was lively and its an epic experience to view a movie that is funny and heartwarming at the same time.
The young in China are bold to be creative in games and movie genres like animation and sci fi while Hong Kong directors kept reruns of wu xia and gangster movies like walled city not breaking into new genres like Chinas science fiction and animated classics.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Choice of home cooking or dining out
I seldom eat out nowdays as the cooking is unhealthy.Food is deep fried or swimming in oil and sometimes hygiene is lacking.the cases of mass food poisoning or gastroenteritis or salmonella is shocking so i choose to cook at home.the other day i ordered Hokkien mee ar a cafe and it looked like mee hoon cooked in watery kicap manis not have wok hei of famous Tiong fried hokkien mee which has smoky flavour,lots of crunchy latd ,shrimps and they put in bean sprouts like taugeh into it.yucks it was like char kway teow.good hokkien mee must be dry ,stir fried in intense fire not soggy.use green vege not put in bean really killed my apetite that i couldnt finish my meal.i miss the cooking of skilled chefs who take pride in their culinary dishes.
Life is getting hard in cities as petty thefts have happened.My blind elder sister says that she doesnt order food online anymore as when the delivery boy hangs the plastic bag of food outside her gate,someone will steal her packed happened a few times.I told her it could be poor migrants or the homeless passerbys.She Even had cat burglars climbing into her porch from the back lanes to steal her shoes on the porch.i told her to put shoe cabinet in the living room
Some bloody petty thief stole the Weinbrenner hiking sandals i bought from Bata.i couldnt go hiking in hilly terrrain as the pair of Weinbrenner sandals has good grip and is waterproof to wade across streams.its a sign life is hard when people steal food and shoes to survive.
i cooked bak kut teh the famous Meat bone soup to nourish my health.This tonic meat soup has chinese herbs like angelica root,dong quai,wai san and i put in red dates ,load of raw garlic bulbs and shitake mushrooms .it boosts my immune system.i use an old broiler chicken as the tough bird doesnt disintegrate boiling for hours.Soup was delicious eaten with tofu puffs and fine rice vermicelli but meat of old hen was a tough was cheaper than pork ribs that cost Rm22.the old hen only cost rm 8.
i also got a golden pomfret at rm 8 from Lotus and steam it with old ginger,shitake mushroom,red dates n soy sauce,cooked a egg tofu with fish ball n mixed vege n a herbal soup for dinner.for lunch i cook gtilled western chicken chop in lemon sour plum sauce,steamed sweet potato and brocolli.sometimes i cook shepherds pie with minced chicken or potato gnocchi with pesto in smoked duck and mushrooms.My newest food addiction is japanese pasta mentaiko but i use ebiko roe as its cheaper than cod roe.i thicken with greek yohurt instead of heavy cream.Shiso leaves are hard to find.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025
Captain kitty
This morning decided to take kitty for a catwalk as hes a housecat with no exploratory skills of a streetcat.However as his world is confined to our house he became frightened by the strange sights of the big wide world .The scaredy cat clung on my shoulders and refuse to walk altho we tied an orange leash around him .He saw a mother cat playing and licking two small kittens n when he went near.mummy cat snarled and captain jumped up into my arms n refused to walk.i took him to explore the slides n swings in the childrens playground but he zoomed straight into the shady bushes and cat loafed there as he hated the hot blazing sun.He sat quietly on a chair and waited as Jun n I finished our breakfast in the cafe before i had to carry him home.this is a cat who hates outdoor exercise like a couch potato he cat loaf and did not exert himself.his leash is so tight as his fat belly has grown so i need to buy bigger leash.better put cat on a diet.
I like the user friendly designs of sports outfits by Decathlon.The sports T shirt i bought is lightweight and the cloth doesnt cling to my body when i sweat profusely.
I like the swim wear Nabaiji as its aqua resist.the briefs dont become loose although its wet with chlorine from the swimming pool.way better than the H n
M bikini briefs i bought.i paired the black briefs with my one shouldered tank top as it becomes a tankini.
Urban sketching
Ha ha Stan Lee the artist wouldnt be thrilled to see my sketch of him dancing barefooted like a bird in the park.took out my pastels to draw the lotus blooming in muddy waters
Toy poodle I fell for
It was love at first sight when i saw this 2 month old sweet toy poodle.i read its high maintenance as i need to brush the curly hair n groom it every single day.such a sweet baby.but will the fat jealous pussy bully a small puppy.the last time at the vet he tried to swipe the nose of a toy poodle with his sharp claws.the owner of the poodle called him an evil cat.
This puppy will be bullied by pussy.Look at Jack the corgi who shows no tantrum or jealousy at this small puppy as Jack has the sweetest temper and docile character unlike the aggresive angry cat of ours as said by the vet.he even disturbs the geriatic cat in the next cage at the hospital until they put cardboard partition between the cages.
A toy poodle will be mauled by the very jealous Captain kitty .sigh.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Beautiful Sunday zumba
I enjoyed the zumba in the park on Sunday.
I was dancing last week when i saw a white haired elderly man take off his rubber slippers and danced barefoot with exuberance in front of us.He danced to his own moves not following the instructors actions.What a free spirit expressing his own joy of moving to the music,oblivious of not following the crowd.
This morning I recognised him as Stan Lee founder of the Urban Sketchers when he took out his drawing pad to sketch the dancers.What a small world.Stan as an artist is a free spirit who doesnt follow the beat and does his own thing,not copycats like us.I felt shy when he asked me if ive kept up with my drawing but my pet cat and baking has kept me too busy.So Stan ignited the latent artist in me and next week i will bring my sketchbook to peace park.
Independent bookshops
i think bookshops and libraries are storehouse of knowledge I like browsing at independent bookshops like Areca bookstore,Silverfish and Gerakbudaya for they sell non mainstream books.
For International Womens Day,I attended an event at Gerakbudaya bookshop.It featured a talk show by the translator of Malay author Fatimah Busu's short stories; Pauline Fan and two Malay writers.Im impressed by Paulines Fans bilingual mastery of English and Malay as she switched effortlessly between speaking in both languages.Kudos to
non Malay Malaysians who have indepth knowledge and passion for Malay culture from Eddin Khoo of Pusaka for his preservation of Wayang kulit and Mak Yong to Sunetra Fernando and Jillian Ooi gamelan troupe Rhythm in Bronze.
Its good to see how Grassroot activists are working in NGOs to secure the rights of refugees n stateless children,abused women and children who are victims of sexual abuse.The government should engage with these NGOs when reforming state policies as they have firsthand experience of these issues.Im proud of our young female activists fight against period poverty to child sexual grooming
Engage Media made two short movies showcasing the digital rights of social media users.They are bringing awareness of issues like cyberbullying,sexual grooming of underaged kids and slander n misinformation on the net.Great job that they are going to schools and educational institutes to inform the young not to be exploited on the internet.Sex education starts from home and open minded discussions can prevent tragedies from happening .Asian society taboo on talk on sex education will harm the horrified by the case in the news of a grandfather who raped his granddaughter from the age of 5.She is 10 years old now before the abuse came to light.This tragedy is not the fault of the poor child but parents who trust family members too in full support of reform of laws to act swiftly to punish offenders for their deviant perverted acts.just look at the case in France where a French surgeon raped hundreds of sedated patients and even his sons young friends.look at the case of the French husband who drugged his wife and invited hundreds of strangers to gang rape her This is vile.Imagine this happening in the land that honoured the Lady of Liberty holding a torch to enlighten women empowerment..
The state must act to deter future abuse of women and children.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Swimming on sunny day
today is boiling kids playing in the pool.i get to relax and swim in the whole pool by myself.really can cool down in the heatwave.
Happy International women's day
This day started in Beijing when activists got together n now its grown global.
stay strong and fight on for womens health,education n safety.
Repair ear rings
The metal hook of my dangling ear rings broke and i took it to be replaced.It only cost rm 5..its my feng shui ear ring as its the Buddhist eternal knot It symbolises the universe has no beginning or ending and represents the infinite nature of Buddhas wisdom n compassion.
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