Saturday, March 22, 2025

Educators it's a calling not a cushy source of income with long holidays

Its heartbreaking as a retired teacher to read of teachers who abuse students physically or verbally.The job is a calling to shape young minds to become independent thinkers and confident adults.So teachers try their best but not every child is a high achiever so as long as they have made slow progress and we have tried our best,the rest is up to the student.To read of a BM or Malay language teacher humiliate a student by saying he is unteachable and go back to China and even calling him stupid and punishing him to sit next to a dustbin like he is a piece of trash shows how unprofessional the teacher is To add salt to injury she even mocked his parents by condemning their inability to communicate in Malay.This lack of respect for students and parents show only the lack of moral ethics of a teacher.When teachers are supposed to teach the 3 Rs,this teacher teaches negativity and Racism,Radicalism and Rubbish.No wonder many urban parents send their children to international schools,private schools or home school children as public education has gone down the drain..Students learn to discriminate and bully others as teachers lead the way. im blessed to be educated by wonderful teachers like Sister Enda Ryan and Mrs George who instill good values like integrity and tolerance and respect.Ex students like Dr Jemilah of Mercy Malaysia and ex Bank Negara governor Dr Zeti Aziz are testament of strong education foundation.So to prevent further social stratification of elite and non elite the bangsawan from the orang biasa,public education needs a serious revamp of its mission to unite all of different religions,economic class and diverse languages.

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