Sunday, March 23, 2025

The mind

Buddhism teaches psychology through the discourses on Abhidhamma In the Citta Vagga,verses extoll the virtue to control the mind Dunniggahassa lahuno Yattha jama napatino Cittassa danatho sadhu Cittam dantam sukhavaham The mind is difficult to control Swiftly and lightly,it.moves and lands wherever it pleases. It is good to tame the mind,for a well tamed mind brings happiness. in the Dhammapada,the tale is told of the lady mind reader who built shelter and gave nutritious food to the bhikkus who stayed in her village for the rainy retreat A ce
rtain bhikku became fearful that if he had impure thoughts in her presence,she might read his thoughts and think ill of him The Buddha advised him to control his mind and not think of anything but the object of his meditation.Within a short time,he purified his mind and attained Arahanthood.

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