Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Starry starry nite

Deep Sleep is elusive in aging bodies.No matter how tired i feel after exercise,there is the stretch between 2 to 5am when i automatically wake up.I fall into a light sleep again
until 7am. So a friend suggested aromatherapy .i got a lavender diffuser for the bedroom.Maybe the white lite from the lotus lamp is too bright so today i bought a cheap rm 8 nite light from Mr DIY with moon n star projected onto the ceiling.surprise i fell into a deep sleep until 7am without waking up. Even kitty enjoyed sleeping in a darkened room except when i changed the setting to bursts of fireworks ,he was stimulated so i dim it to moon n star setting again. i like the creative idea of sleeping under the stars.Tonite im over the moon as the specialist at the hospital gave me a clean bill of gonna continue my kefir,kombucha,yoghurt and tigermilk mushroom consumption to boost my immune system.Now i eat 2 meals a day and skip dinner by eating fruits,crispy seaweed or a muesli bar n yoghurt.overeating causes indigestion n interrupted rest.its getting harder to maintain muscle tone as we age.

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