Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fix the kick

im ok swimming breast stroke but im a big flop in swimming freestyle.i need to practise lower body kicks as its not strong n efficient n drags my body.i remember my instructor uses a kickboard to make us practise kicking from the hips with feet down wards.i m doing it wrong with the angle of body rotation and head lifted too high creating resistance slowing my propulsion forward. need to practise on Youtube i saw a guy bringing his cat outdoors paddleboarding on a lake.the cat wore a lifejacket and was so calm in the water but my kitty hates water like hell especially baths so i think watersports will be an issue looking at the competitive nature of the Olympics in swimming,they have banned the use of high tech material in swim suits.the material of the swim suit gives unfair advantage as it cuts down the drag in water.then why not issue standard uniforms for swimmers using same design and material? Even TCM treatment of cupping therapy is used by swimmers to telieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation.i hate it as it leaves ugly red circles on the back like btuises or a kiss by a vampire.even Micheal Phelps the great swimmer had been seen with the red circular marks of the cup on his body.

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