Monday, August 5, 2024

Pussy yoga

There is a heavy thunderstorm this morning so i couldnt workout outdoors .i decided to do stretching on my yoga mat use the pool noodle but captain kitty was so frisky.he bit and tried to scratch my yoga mat so i shoo him away.then he cat loaf spying on me from afar and copied my cat stretch and sit funny at least hes exercising. not just his jaws on tuna and sardines. the naughty pussy is smart n observes us closely where i keep things.he know the new cat toys i kept on open shelf n he goes there to get them down to play with it..he knows i keep cat wands on cabinet top n he jumps up to play with it.He hears the stray cats howling loudly downstairs n now he imitates howling to get us to feed him cat treats.the Caterwauling is awful and irtitates us so he knows the best way we get him to shut up is feed him tuna treats

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