Friday, July 5, 2024

Something fishy about kitty

Gelak ketawa

Seorang guru beri muridnya lengkap peribahasa berdasar gambar yang di tunjukkan. Gambar ini
jawapan murid Belum cuba,belum tahu Sudah cuba,hari hari mahu jawapan betul; bagai pinang dibelah dua
Jawapan murid Pontianak yang makan cili padi patut dia rasa pedas jawapan betul seperti lidah dibelah dua.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Goodbye Taman Kiara park

the park will be closed for repairs and upgrade next week for one and a half years.its the most natural and well maintained last goodbye at the wooden yoga platforms overlooking the valley,streams and hills.

Soul food

i had a dry hacking cough for a few days that caused interrupted sleep.i went to chinese medical hall for tcm herbs and brought tigermilk mushroom,astralagus huang qi,fu ling,bitter almonds,monk fruit and snow fungus.i boiled tigermilk mushroom herbal soup and cooked soyaflour noodles,minced chicken meatballs n lettuce.then i boiled sweet soup tong sui with snow pear gong li,snow fungus,cane sugar,goji berry,longan,bitter almonds to nourish the lungs.tomorrow i boil monk fruit,winter melon,longan and honey sea coconut. i noticed i didnt cough ar night and could get good nites rest.for dinner i cooked fish schnitzel,coated fish fillets with cheese and garlic powder,put in egg wash and panko breadcrumbs then panfry till crispy ,put in tartare sauce n parsley,stir fried lettuce with garlic. i had a cheat meal of ice cream cornetto for dessert and went to rm 2.40 Ecoshop and bought 3 zucchini for rm2.40.cook minced mock meat and tomato week i plan to make italian food of baked zucchini with minced meat n tomato pureee n basil ,a ftench tuna rilettes and a chicken meatloaf to eat with pumpkin bread and tomato soup n gatden salad. im hoping the price of locally farmed barammundi drops so i can make siakap tiga rasa or thai lime steamed fish.i really pity our
generation as wild caught seafood is so bloody expensive so im thinking we can learn fish farming technology from china and how they rear fish in huge seabound ships to increase
food security.maybs they drag fish in huge floating netted ponds. so fish can still feed on plankton and grow big.its good idea as there is less predator to kill fish stock and ships can avoid polluted coastal areas.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Of cats and snakes

i adopted a kitty who is hell bent on causing a mess and turning my home upside down.He has poo in the study room,pee on my holy book,brought my tall potted indoor bamboo plants and room dividers crushing down,scratched my sofa and chairs with ugly marks,rummaged and rips apart plastic bags and tear clothes drying on hangars the latest naughty thing is now he pisses on my potted plants and on my glass sliding doors instead of pee in his kitty litter.i have to wash balcony every two days.its tiring trying to look after a frisky cat but still i love him a lot.i was heartbroken when i see news of children throwing kitten from high rise condo or setting fire to cats.such animal abusers need psychological counselling and im glad the courts punished them by working as a volunteer in animal shelters. yesterday i met a snake naturalist and the Indian chap told me he has caught pythons and cobras from the back of his house.he was recording a humming sound coming out of a big tree in taman aman.i asked him if he was recording bird sound but no i got shocked when he said it was a big python hiding in the tree emitting humming sounds.freak me out as he says python loves to eat monitor lizards that live in the lake.he said the python fangs are sharp and curved and it bites on orifices of ears and nostrils before suffocating victims to death by crushing bones in the body.i read a 6 metre python in Indonesia swallowed a woman.scary but i shall go hiking and keep an eye for slithering snakes.i hate creepy crawlies like leeches and centipedes.

The hearts that beat alike

Their skins differ as do their mother tongues But a knot of humanity binds their souls As these wordsmiths carve the dreams of humanity and reached to one another across space and time their hearts beat alike for peace that passes all understanding. If we look at the literary intellectuals and friendship between Lu Xun,George Bernard Shaw and. Rabindranath Tagore,it was their humane values and love of peace and the environment that bonds them.Lu Xun wrote essays in defence of George Bernard Shaw and Rabindranaths literary works were translated and well received by Chinese intellectuals especially his anti imperialism and sympathy for the suffering of the people under Japanese occupation as the indians experienced similar fate under colonialism.George Bernard Shaws strong love for animals made him a life long vegetarian and his poem on animal cruelty makes me cringe to eat meat as im a living graveyard for animals slaughtered to feed my appetite.

Migration of the young

Bhutan is touted as prioritising Gross National Happiness over Gross Domestic Product but the reality is that economic prospects counts a lot for youths who need to seek a future career growth opportunity that realises their dreams and a better quality of life. So Hong Kong and Myanmar faced similar issue in brain drain of young professionals for greener pastures as do Malaysia.With a globalized economy the global villages welcomes talent and innovators that can help propel a nation to higher GDP growth.Dont use patriotism or nationalism as a deterrrent to prevent brain drain as the young need a clear career path for themselves to live a better tomorrow.Migration has seen our ancestors leave war torn nations or disaster striken nations to venture to new if the government doesnt have long term plans to revitalize the economy,it will push more youths to migrate abroad and the brain drain will worsen with the digital economy as the digital nomads can live anywhere in the global village.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Enjoy the little things

had a good workout this sunny day.brunch is chinese gyoza woth vinegar n chilli sauce,a gingko barley beancurd skin soup and 2 slices pumpkin bread.then dinner i cooked salted egg chicken tender woth curry leaf n chilli and stir fried spinach with king ouster mushroomin teriyaki sauce.jun requested me to fry sardine curry puffs but its too tiring n hot in kitchen
i cooked italian potato dumpling or gnocchi in buttermilk sauce with spinach,mushroom n chicken fillet.i love italian food in its variety from pasta to gnocchi to rissoto. i enjoy the little pleasures in life like the good street food at Hassans cendol and rojak in Seapark or the great Penang asam laksa outside Seapark wet market which has been there for 45 years.i used to eat the laksa there with my varsity mate after our lectures.Her dad said we have iron stomachs as its just near the butcher stalls with pig hocks and belly pork hung on steel hooks.hi ya dai pai dong food is tasty and affordable for students on tight budgets.long live street food.

Cats are smart

Kitty is a smart pussy.He knows i was furious after he pissed on my book and brought the screen crashing down.i refused to give him cat treats,refused to respond to his loud howling and refused to let him into the living room.After 3 days he got the message so today when i let him inside,he was very well behaved and played with his toy.then he slept beside me on the sofa and dared not disturb my nap.He is one smart cat.