Thursday, July 4, 2024

Soul food

i had a dry hacking cough for a few days that caused interrupted sleep.i went to chinese medical hall for tcm herbs and brought tigermilk mushroom,astralagus huang qi,fu ling,bitter almonds,monk fruit and snow fungus.i boiled tigermilk mushroom herbal soup and cooked soyaflour noodles,minced chicken meatballs n lettuce.then i boiled sweet soup tong sui with snow pear gong li,snow fungus,cane sugar,goji berry,longan,bitter almonds to nourish the lungs.tomorrow i boil monk fruit,winter melon,longan and honey sea coconut. i noticed i didnt cough ar night and could get good nites rest.for dinner i cooked fish schnitzel,coated fish fillets with cheese and garlic powder,put in egg wash and panko breadcrumbs then panfry till crispy ,put in tartare sauce n parsley,stir fried lettuce with garlic. i had a cheat meal of ice cream cornetto for dessert and went to rm 2.40 Ecoshop and bought 3 zucchini for rm2.40.cook minced mock meat and tomato week i plan to make italian food of baked zucchini with minced meat n tomato pureee n basil ,a ftench tuna rilettes and a chicken meatloaf to eat with pumpkin bread and tomato soup n gatden salad. im hoping the price of locally farmed barammundi drops so i can make siakap tiga rasa or thai lime steamed fish.i really pity our
generation as wild caught seafood is so bloody expensive so im thinking we can learn fish farming technology from china and how they rear fish in huge seabound ships to increase
food security.maybs they drag fish in huge floating netted ponds. so fish can still feed on plankton and grow big.its good idea as there is less predator to kill fish stock and ships can avoid polluted coastal areas.

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