Saturday, July 6, 2024

No fixed secure vote banks

The grassroot has voiced their stance in Sg Bakap byelection and the silence speaks volumes.The silent protest by Non Malays is sending a message on their opinion of the economic policies made so far and the level of human rights reform like foreign workers abuses or so called anti corruption reforms by the present administration. Is the tide changing?Time will tell as time and tide waits for no man.There is no secure fixed deposit in elections but how current issues affect the bread and butter of wage earners,small and medium scale industries and levels of foreign direct investment.The flow of FDI fell last year,the ringgit depreciated like mad,the global competitive ranking of Malaysia dropped.The cost of living skyrocketed with rise in electricity and water tariffs,increase of SST to 8 per cent,the removal of diesel subsidy increasing the operation cost of business from interstate coach,tow truck business,small business using diesel powered generators to fishing and farming business. Political elites should listen to the grassroot cause if they hear the people sing,they are singing the songs of angry men.Look at the complacency of die hard politicians like Dr M who lost the safe seat in Langkawi,Tunku Razaleigh the seat in Gua Musang and Nurul Izzah the stronghold of Permatang Pauh. When the tides change,it sweeps away ineffective structure like the Conservatives in the UK.Anything is possible in politics.

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