Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Of cats and snakes

i adopted a kitty who is hell bent on causing a mess and turning my home upside down.He has poo in the study room,pee on my holy book,brought my tall potted indoor bamboo plants and room dividers crushing down,scratched my sofa and chairs with ugly marks,rummaged and rips apart plastic bags and tear clothes drying on hangars the latest naughty thing is now he pisses on my potted plants and on my glass sliding doors instead of pee in his kitty litter.i have to wash balcony every two days.its tiring trying to look after a frisky cat but still i love him a lot.i was heartbroken when i see news of children throwing kitten from high rise condo or setting fire to cats.such animal abusers need psychological counselling and im glad the courts punished them by working as a volunteer in animal shelters. yesterday i met a snake naturalist and the Indian chap told me he has caught pythons and cobras from the back of his house.he was recording a humming sound coming out of a big tree in taman aman.i asked him if he was recording bird sound but no i got shocked when he said it was a big python hiding in the tree emitting humming sounds.freak me out as he says python loves to eat monitor lizards that live in the lake.he said the python fangs are sharp and curved and it bites on orifices of ears and nostrils before suffocating victims to death by crushing bones in the body.i read a 6 metre python in Indonesia swallowed a woman.scary but i shall go hiking and keep an eye for slithering snakes.i hate creepy crawlies like leeches and centipedes.

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