Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 Sometimes meditating lets the dust to settle in the mind and you can see clearly now the rain has gone.this clarity of mind clears the way ahead for you  where youre going as you journey on.Why do women enter the path of dharma?its not to escape from the multitudes of roles and responsibility that we take on but a lettimg go of the burden we shoulder that weighs us down.as monastics travel lighter alomg the way

Venerable thich nhat hanh

said a cloud never dies.it had been raining non stop day and nite 

The gloomy weather makes one feel blue but it also encourage the plants to thrive,send out new shoots and flowers to bloom.so i remember what was said.

Even in the rain,remember though you cant see it,the cloud is always there.A cloud never dies.it just gets recycled as mist,dew and rain.

True dialogue can only happen when both sides are willimg to change.

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