Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thin slicing

In a "Blink "of an eye judgement,we have to rely on split second impressions to make a quick assessment of a person's
trait and innate characters which would not be so apparent if we had used hard facts to evaluate the same person.How much can we know about a person from his habits,the way he organizes his personal space,the company that he keeps or even his favourite colour?Would it have been fair to assume that a person who likes bright colours is basically an optimistic person whereas one who prefers dark colours is basically pessimistic by nature.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tian Xia Wei Min

From the grey sky
Tears from Heaven
rain down
at the sorrows of Men

From the grey sky
Tears from Heaven
douse the
of hope

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Soul rights

Whither goes the way of the world when holier than thou people control the levers of power?
Soul proprietorship to goodness,justice and all other isms has caused a oneupmanship marketing system whereby character assassination,espionage,endorsements,peer relationship marketing,love bombardment,multi-level marketing are deployed as in commercial enterprises to monopolize the market.Of these even advertising that seeks to push the fear,guilt and social recognition buttons are one of the manifestation of the greed to dominate-and when sophisticated brain-washing tools are unleashed on gullible children,would they not be swayed?
Of course advance booking on the flight to the after life depends on their obeisance and acquiescence to a human agent appointed to judge,grade and condemn righteous/non-righteous behaviour as these agents have the soul rights.
Man as fallible as any other do not have the right to condemn and judge his fellowmen for he is part of the homosapien species.

The truth will prevail

Those with a grip on power and all its attendant privileges would not easily give up an iota of it unless the will of the people due to abject suffering is collectively so unbearable and the future of the young so dismal that they have nothing to lose.From the time when the blacks fought for the civil rights for self-determination to the female sufferages who chained themselves to demand for gender equality,the status quo would not change.
When confronted with the reality of the case,have we ever learnt to share power,resources ,knowledge?

William Faulkner had the optimism that humans will not merely endure but prevail.Will peace and truth -the bedrock of the human condition also prevail?

Friday, November 2, 2007


Azure blue skies

Jade greenish scalloped terraces

A horse shoe crab

Of these

a delight


The Foundation of Happiness

Jian zhe ji de kuai le zhai bie ren de tong ku shang

Building your happiness on the sorrow of others

Membina mahligai kegembiraan anda diatas kesengsaraan orang lain

" You work and support your family and parents."
"You work and support the socio-religious institutions."
"You work and suport the government."
When you cannot work,who will support you?

Despite the changes in the social conditions and political structures within which individuals set up families,bring up children and grow old ,despite the upheavals in their personal lives,the strongest impetus that pushes people out of the warmth of familiarity would be the gnawing hunger in their stomachs,and the dream of a better life for their children.

Some toil away in far off lands- all for the hopes of a better life

Within the four seas,all men are brothers