Monday, May 31, 2021

Global Institute for Tomorrow

In coming across CEO for Global Institute for Tommorow Mr Chandran Nairs analytical discourse on the challenges facing Asian economies,I find his ideas very insightful.He offers ideas on glocalisation in which instead of depending on expensive imports,Asian economies should create domestic industries to be more self reliant,designing solutions suited to local contexts such as ventilators that do the job without fanciful electronics IT or sanitizers using local ingredients like neem maybe.In reflecting on his ideas i always go back yo my reference book The Asian Future Dialogues for Change published by ZED books.Public intellectuals like Sulak Sivaraksa of Thailand,Tu Wei Ming a confucian scholar,Satish Kumar and Vandana Shiva are Gandhian thinkers,Abdulrahman Wahid Indonesian,Samdhong Rinpoche Tibetan Buddhist all strongly identify the issues of Asia from perspective of Asian cultures " At best the Asian economic achievements are amixed blessing,for they are based on the stimulation of grred,competition,violence and individualism.Traditionally in Asia, these characteristics are regarded as the root causes of unhappiness.They are responsible for all kinds of other problems in modern society. People are compelled to search for more money,wealth,power,recognition and sensual gratification.The cycle never ends.Hence the high rates of suicide,mental illness,stress,alcoholism,over consumption and drug addiction in those "successful sectors" of Asian society There is much to be done to heal the deep,spiritual and political crisis that came with colonialism.We must fight to regain our spiritual and intellectual integrity in defining and redefining who we are and to recover our long lost self confidence rooted in our ancient cultures,traditions and indigenous wisdom.It means we have to reject the notion that we belong to a lesser race,class,gender,religion,culture or civilization,whoever we are,what ever we are. so on my bucket list to do is attend a course at Wongsanit Ashram in Thailand to learn more about sustainable Buddhist practices.I dont wanna live to a ripe old age regreting "oh,I havent done this yet" or"Oh,I havent done that yet." Its never too late to keep on hoping and dreaming.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Doing pastel paint and yoga stretch in between

i love to create and express myself in art

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Time to draw

spent the afternoon drawing n painting the little prince
by antoine de exubery.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Public security

police departmemt is created to ensure public safety n ensure no crime or breakdown of law and order,as such they are given power to apprehemd n jail those who are a threat to public safety amd checks and balance should be in place to prevent abuse of power. but when politicians play the race or religion card to garner supporters by scapegoating a race or religion then prejudice and biasness become rampant in the minds of the police.of course some stereotypes are true but not everyone can be prejudged based on generalisation.even within the same family,the characters of siblings is a logical fallacy to assume every guy with a beard n turban is a potential terrorist,every Nigger is a potential gangsta or robber,every china guy is a wuhan virus carrier or spy. time cultural sensitivity trainimg be given to the police force. the police to be fair are doing their jobs except for a few black sheep.the police put their lives at risk to protect the law abiding citizens.but crime still occurs cause they are technology can help.if i were attacked and the police cant come fast enough,then i wear a gadget on wrist to ask for help.the device can pinpoint my exact location thro gps and a drone with camera sent immediately to the spot.thro remote control a tranquailiser is shot on the attacker and he is immobilised until police car arrives some argue its abuse of human rights but what about the right of imtemded victim.when you are a threat to public safety you should be stopped n apprehended before lives are stop police profiling as justice is blimd n should not be meted out discriminately

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Man in the mirror by Micheal Jackson

change gonna start with the Man in the mirror

Me time to create

Staycation time

wonderful time to be free to read reflect meditate amd write inspired by the emptiness to get idea of writing love in the time of covid.a researcher hunting for clues to mysterious illness,a native girl who lives in the wild becomes guide for him in the wilderness and a tragic ending. lucky i have my yoga n qi gong practice to keep fit in dawn i watch the sun rise and moon in open sky.when the darkness leaves,a new day arises

Do not return hate with hate

the dhammapada says Live in love Do not dispel hate with hate Dispel it with love for hate is not appeased with hate for it is only appeased with love this is the eternal law

Why the hostility?

im trying to understand the mentality of white men and the colonial psyche. incomprehensible to demean n belittle another race based to differemt skin colour and culture. we started with islamophobia,black lives and now anti it something to do with education system,the mass media or xenophobic leaders? what cause one to hate another when they share common hope n aspiration in life,work hard,bring up a family. i still cant understand in this age of instant connectivity with anyone in the world,there is still prejudice n misconception? we view the other as a threat to our livelihood, their lifestyles as being extreme n radical n their behaviour as shameful n abnormal? So causes for potential hate based on racial discrimation.why cant we live together in harmony with others and the environment.we need the environment but the emvironment doesnt need us.perplexing existential conundrum

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

War and peace arises from the mind

In year of anxiety ,sickness,death n isolation

this has been a year of trial and tribulation in which a pandemic has turned our lives upside down.fear of death,fear of losing jobs and loved ones,fear to hug etc spreads n strikes our psyche,wearing us we imprison ourselves n give up socialising .during this wesak on buddhas birth,death n enightenment day,i will go on an inward journey for a month to detoxify negativity and seek to explore the meaning of the twenty first century. this will be my new cave with time and space to read,reflect and meditate.hopefully i will come to terms with the vast changes as everything is impermanent.namo buddhaya

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Monday, May 24, 2021

Art of life

Garden oasis

Empty mind

i came from empty space i return to empty space

Pain or pleasure vs pain and pleasure

i seek for pleasure but found only pain when i only wanted pleasure but not any pain then i empty my mind and had the insight it was not pain or pleasure but pain and pleasure arise in co dependency in pain,i found pleasure in pleasure,i found pain