Monday, October 31, 2011

steel mountains and concrete banked rivers

It's quite a paradox to see us levelling high mountains and damming rivers ,then cutting down huge swathes of natural forests in the name of development and progress.Then we ask architects and engineers to build artificial steel mountains,recreate the very landscape we've destroyed by putting in artifical rivers and reconstruct metallic trees.
We destroy that which took millions of years to evolve and rebuild it according to our own interpretation of "nature".

As we move from the agragrian economy,with its dependence on the natural cycle of the seasons to the built environment,what have we gained and what have we given up?

As a small nation,should it be like a sapling protected by growing beneath the mammoth tree or a parasitic plant that draws its life force by a symbiotic relationship with the mammoth tree?

Monday, October 24, 2011


If the natural resources are finite,closed loop engineering would reduce insatiable exploration of resources that mar the landscape and pollutes the environment.

Can a human be implanted with a nanochip is his ear that receives information which is directly transferred to the brain and processed.

Will an external device like the mobile phone be replaced by such a smart chip implant but when it can be infiltrated by hackers,what would the humanoid be turned into? a remote controlled human?