Sunday, March 15, 2009

Flying kites

The beach at Morib is nothing much to shout about
But the wide esplanade
is fun as children and adults catch the passing breeze
and multi hued kites with long colorful tails twists
and turn
the sky is azure blue
the pokok ru with its pine needles sway in the breeze
the beach is muddy
simple games are relaxing
to watch the kite dip and soar
unlike the mind numbing dotaing

birdie blues

trapped in the urban jungle
steaming hot air from searing asphalt
a tiny yellow butterfly flutters
spins and twirls trying to rise
from tarred road
when whoosh black rubber tyres
run over it
a bird flapping its wings
and dashes here
and there in utter confusion as
bright neon lights
overpower it
It lands on the top
of the street light
its shadow
cast upon a
haloe of light
amidst the
bright neon lit
waiting for the
soothing darkness
to fall.
sleepless like
the lonely soul
in front of a flickering
waiting to disconnect.