Saturday, July 15, 2023

Captain Kitty

 Jun loved cats from small but i refuse to take care of a furty friend as i had to juggle a career,cooking,cleaning and a terminally ill hubby.when he wanted to keep pet fish,i bought a fish tank for his teenage birthday.after the novelty wore off,i had to maintain the pet fish besides feeding n changing water.

We dont see  eye to eye on keeping pets coz i end up doing all the dirty work besides slaving over the stove and cleaning the house n dirty laundry.

But he fell in love with a 2 month old kitty out of a litter of 5 kittens that a cat owner put in a pet shop for adoption.2 were adopted but 3 siblings were unwanted despite a note from the owner to take care of them out of goodwill. Captain is playful and vocal and has white socks on four legs which were distinctive.

My heart softened when Jun said he dreamed of Captain in his i gave him the go ahead and he was so excited to consult his friend who is a vet on how to care for a kitten.She congratulated him for taking the plumge to be a pet parent and the gender reveal showed a male frisky kitty.i named him Captain and he stole my now a pet grandma and bought tuna puree,toys and a bed for was not love at first sight but love that grows with interaction.see how cute he is.

Help Captain Kitty drives me crazyhis constant meowing and attention seeking for someone to play with is so  irritating when i have no time,need to water n fertilise n trim plants,weeding n spray pesticidethen cooking,baking,clean car,house,clothes anf shopping groceriesclean fish tank n feed least the fish is quiet n peacefuln dont cry loudly for attention like kitty.should l let him go as the fish n plants dont make noise like cats n dogs and poo a lot.

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