Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Condolences minister of domestic consumer affairs n cost of living

 Today i bought 4 packets of green vege for rm10 and 3 chicken drumstick for rm8.

I appreciate the hard work done by late minister of domestic consumer and cost of living minster YB Salahuddin Ayub to fight inflation and keeping prices of essential food 

affordable for B40 and M40 group.my deepest condolence to the family of the departed as they mourn the loss of a family man as the nation mourns the loss of a hard working minister.

Jasa YB di kenang rakyat biasa dan harap penggantinya terus perjuangannya untuk menjaga periuk nasi kita.dari kos minyak masak,gula beras,ayam dan telur,kita dapat makanan pada harga berpatutan kerana dia mantapkan harga dari kadar inflasi yang tinggi.

Terima kasih atas sumbangan beliau meringgankan beban kos sara hidup kita.rip

I cooked vegetarian mock soya minced meat with preserved salted vege,bean sprouts and rice noodle.a fruit salad and a cup of jasmine green tea.home cooked meal is good for health so i only eat meat once a day.

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