Sunday, July 2, 2023

Perception of corruption

 Malaysian politicians enrich themselves by party hopping and lucrative posts in top level GLCs.its easier to be a millionare by being involved in political deals than working the ass off taking risks by being an entrepreneur businessmen .

If caught,they use political cables to get away with the white collar corruption starts from the top and like cancer,once it spreads to the other parts,it becomes terminal and weakens the body from optimal performance.

Look at how China punishes corrupt officials.They wont let them go scot free to enjoy the nations plundered riches in a foreign land whether in offshore bank accounts or migration to a foreign nation.the criminal justice system will pursue them till they are caught and repatriated to face the full force of the law.

But is the corruption in Malaysia just a case of a few bad hats or the tip of the iceberg.if foreign imvestors are wary of investing in our stock markets,govt bonds or starting new industries in malaysian soil,it speaks of the perception of the management or mismanagement of the nation.if the immigration,law enforcement or public administration is ridden with corruption,foreign investors stay away from our nation. what impression will foreign visitors get at inefficient and long delays at immigration at the Causeway or international airports.whats the use of building expensive,costly buildings when the service sucks.Singapore Airlines has won the best airline in the world but what happened to MAS?

Hong Kong has regained its reputation as an efficient financial centre after a change of leadership.its going bigtime into green financing and islamic banking with the middle the importance of clean,efficient and relevant governance cant be underestimated.

Tunku Abdul Aziz founded Transparency International to stress the importance of non corruption.What is Hong Kong Singapore,Japan,South Koreas standing in transparency global index compared to south east  asian nations like Malaysia,Thailand,Indonesia and the Philippines?

100 is the best score and anything below 50 shows endemic corruption.Scandanavia nations are top of the list.

Singapore is 83.Hong Kong,(76)South Korea (63)and Japan are in high 73s.Malaysia is 47,Thailand,Indonesia and the Phillipines are in the 30s.

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