Friday, November 24, 2023

Food inflation

 Inflation is eating into our disposable income.with the shrinking ringgit n removal of subsidy,its hard to make ends meet.ive just finished last grain of brown rice imported from.Cambodia as its cheaper than Sekinchan rice at rm 7 a kilo.3 kilos last one and a half months for two of us as we eat at home for all 3 meals.i got a bag of cooking oil to last 1 month.i need 30 eggs a month.a cake needs 5 eggs and quiche another 5 left with 10 eggs this week to make french toast,egg roll and cawan mushi.

I replaced soles of my court shoes for rm10 to avoid buying new pair and cut my hair at indian barber for rm 10.i bake birthday cakes instead of buying them and dont eat artisan bread n cakes.eating healthy food like yoghurt,kefir,oat rye  or kombucha is very costly so i cut out massages,live entertainment or make up and facials and supplements.

Can they do something about our cost of living?

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