Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Fragmented society

 At varsity i studied history n english literature under critical thinkers and intellectuals like Krishan jit,Khoo Kay Khim ,Salleh Ben Joned,KS Maniam.Fadzilah Amìn,Lim Chee Seng.

I think that Malaysian society is fragmented along ethnic and religious lines.Among the Malays,it seems fragmented between urban rural divide,secular educated and religious educated and now socio economic divide.Looking at how the states of Kelantan,Terengganu,Perlis n Kedah remained predominantly green wave with BN or PH hardly able to make a toehold in capturing the voter base in the last election,we  are seeing a split along Federated Malay states and Non Federated Malay states lines

If the green wave managed to penetrate the voter base in the Federated Malay states,PH should start taking note of why they failed to gain a toehold in Unfederated Malay States and do a post mortem to see their strengths and weakness.

Despite the lack of economic development in the unfederated Malay states,the electorate is staunchly loyal along parochial lines.the peasantry were taught not to challege status quo while political ruling elites were trained in special colleges of colonial policy to be adminstrators of civil service.

No use pointing finger and silencing educators.it was teachers and journalists of early Malay nationalism that oppose unfair colonial laws and repressive policies.they were not anti government per se but anti repressive laws,the lack of upward social mobility and lack of economic reforms as big multinationals were british owned from plantations to tin mines.

So after half a century of a dominant ruling party,the electorates woke up to the degeneration of the nation and now expect reforms to stop the rot like unfair laws .the french revolution is a lesson for entrenched rulers to expect a regime change when there is lack of improvement in the lives of the masses.

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