Sunday, November 5, 2023

Remove dairy,cheese n duck meat.

 Changing diet helped reduce inflammation in joints .ive been eating smoked n roast duck ,dairy products and red meat so my arthritis flared up but when i cut out these food,swelling n stiffness is our diet as we age has to be im eating more blueberry,dark grapes,avocado,spinach n brocolli every week.i feel healthier.lunch is century egg n mango chutney,salad of green kiwi,cucumber,baby turnip.a soya milk.n korean japchae or glass noodles

Jun said his body feels chilly in the evening after heavy thunderstorms everyday.i had to drive to a petrol station to shelter from the heavy rain which flooded roads n brought down tree branches .the traffic was at standstill so might as well chillax at the station.
Jun has sinus and so i cooked herbal soup chicken with lots of garlic n shitake mushroom.its the favourite chinese bak kut teh but i use chicken not pork.
Then its stir fried bittergourd with scrambled eggs n salted egg.simple chinese meal for a wet and cold Sunday.

I pack my own lunch to eat at work because its healthier n i dont its thai pineapple fried rice with thai fish cakes,crabstick,chicken cube,mixed vege,pineapple cubes n roasted cashew nuts.

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