Thursday, November 23, 2023

Live from hand to mouth

 Those of us on a fixed income can barely make enough to cope with rising cost of living.after paying house,car,insurance,maintenance,health care and childrens tuition and sports equipment,its a hand to mouth survival.

Its worst for those in the gig economy as the weather like floods or vehicle maintenance cuts into their unstable income.

People are desperately looking for cheap plastic bag of oil n local budget of 2 chickens for 2 weeks is gone n this weekend need to stock up chicken freezer has other meat enough for one more week.i got a bag of oil from mini mart.within an hour the whole carton was sold out to foreign workers,retirees and middle class working people.even coffee shop street food vendors buy them.the price of cooked rice went up by 50 i eat a variety from buckwheat noodles,sweet potato ti brown rice.

Instead of power struggles,take care of rakyat sendiris struggle to cari makan as its kais pagi makan pagi ķais petang makan petang.

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