Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Gastric n bloating

 Whats the price to pay after eating lots of superdelicious spicy food?

Im full of hot air.do Indians have iron stomachs?when foreigners consume water in India,they will likely get Delhi belly or purgimg n diarrhoea and after 2 days of spicy food,i get gastric,bloating n diarrhoea.

I suspect the nasi kandar fish curry i cooked last nite triggered it.it was delicious with added tomato,chilli n big onion .i got cheap sale fish head n tail at Giant for rm 7 only but i paid a price visiting loo 7 times today,burping n farting non stop.real old gas bag literally.my stomach is churning,my head is spinning n my legs are wobbling.the price for bingeing on spicy food

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