Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Clairvoyant

The Curse of Foresight

There's a plot in my head for a short play on the spirit medium,one that acts as the messenger between the world of human and the world of the spirit.

A young boy suffers from excruciating epileptic fits and during one of this fit,he accidentally discovers that he can foretell the fate of his best friend,as he experiences the pain of his friend who will be trapped in a domestic fire.He warns his friend about his vision but is met with scepticism.He can only see the fate of his victim but is powerless to change it.His friend dies a horrifying death in the fire that he has earlier foreseen and the boy from then on keeps quiet about his ESP ability.
He grows up to be a photojournalist for war and while he can only faithfully record the events he witnesses,he will not intervene to change the fate of the people he captures on film.One fateful day,after a terrible bout of epilepsy ,he has a searing vision in which a child is about to be conscipted to be a child soldier and when push came to pull,on a spur of his conscience,he rescues the child from a terrible fate of inhumanity.A fortune teller has warned him that in revealing the secrets of the future,a clairvoyant has to pay a price-for every secret that leaks out,a year will be taken away from the life of a clairvoyant.
He abandons his profession and works for the cause of justice,successfully solving many cases ,thus causing the persecution of many war time criminals who had committed terrible acts of atrocity against humanity.The epileptic seizures increases in intensity until he lapses into a coma one day.

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