Wednesday, September 25, 2019

appreciate the ordinary day

It's when we keep our mind and eyes focused on the distant future that we forget to look around and appreciate the ordinary day.
  There's the mad rush to go to work that I didnt notice the sky was blue with wisps of white clouds.What! there is  no grey,haze blocking the rained lightly.How refreshing the rain smells after the smell of smoke .The mock orange blossoms emits a sweet scent and the small red lanterns are blooming in the vine as a small sunbird starts chirping.That's why happiness come in small doses.
         It need not be an earth trembling event that should wake us to the frail beauty of life.We can walk past the same spot 5 years in a row and never see the yellow blossoms on a tree at the corner.Suddenly you open your eyes to the beauty of an ordinary day when a life changing event like a car accident,a tsunami,

a cancer risk or earthquake threatens to completely turn your life upside down.That's when we realize the beauty of an ordinary day

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