Sunday, June 12, 2022

Summit of Latin America

the summit of Americas by the US is to strenghten the American ideal of democracy to their Southern neighbours but it makes it a mockery when they are more concerned to halt the migration of economic migrants into the US and imposes sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela who do not adhere to American ideals of looking at what Naomi Klein discusses in the Shock Doctrine and the rise of disaster capitalism,when San Salvador and Chile elected leftist governments,the CIA instigated regime change to install dictator regimes which were more American compliant to rule these nations.the neoliberal economic policies of the Chicago school of economics under Milton Friedman saw the protection of American multinational conglomerates in their economy,unregulated markets and suppression of trade union what will the new deal offer these Latin American nations like what FDR Roosevelt did?Apart from the shock and awe method to capitalise on the disorganisation and chaos of a pandemic and a war in Ukraine,what new deal other than empty rhetoric will it deliver? Certainly ,it has delivered sky high profits to American pharmaceuticals producing vaccines globally and sky high profits to fossil fuels companies like Exon Mobil due to gas shortage in Europe and sky high profits to the military industrial complex churning up supply of artillery,drones and etc to is bringing rising inflation due to disruption in food supply and possibly rise in wartime refugees globally.this is the shock amd awe tactic when the tsunami drove private citizens from their property which were later misappropriated by private companies to build hotels and so on. Change will come as an effect of a crisis.Naomi Klein proposes a change to a new green deal,a more sustainable economic policy for renewal energy,eco sustainable travel and tourism and combat to climate change

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