Thursday, November 14, 2024

Stop child abuse

If 100 activists can march to parliment to stop animal abuse,its more crucial to ask Parliament to enact laws to prevent child abuse.Kopi the shooting of a dog by town ouncil arouse the furious response of animal activists.Who will fight to protect the children from abuse? Im horrified and furious when a 20 year old mother put her 3 year old son in an animal cage when she went to work.most probably a teenage unwed mother who doesnt have the skill of parenting before indulging in premarital sex?Bloody hell teach sex education and contraception in high schools before we have more cases of baby dumping,infanticide or child abuse like this.The case of the Malaysian mother who killed her new born baby in the UK where she was sent to study wouldnt have happened if she had sex education in high school.I think a British high school kid knows more about sex n contraception than a Malaysian teenager who is hormonally challenged.If we look at it without biasness,most probably cases of rape or sexual molestation or incest happens in states that have all the repressive rules like gender segregation but the naive girls get raped by men known to them like fathers,stepfathers,uncles,brothers or schoolmates.In some cases,ignorance is not bliss.In the internet connected world where soft porn or paedophiles lurk,innocent children become victims.Schools should get trained counsellors to help young girls and not those unsympathetic,judgemental holier than thou teachers who preach,not teach sex education.

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