Sunday, September 4, 2016

It takes a village to raise a child

It takes a village to raise a child.Phew ,now those years of childcare are over ......On Saturday,I woke up at five am,swept the balcony,watered my plants and sat back to enjoy the whiff of orange blossoms(with incense of tulasi lit to drive away any zika mozzies who might think of feasting on me)Light drizzling rain,a strong wind pushing wisps of dark clouds across a dark sky,slight breeze chilly against my skin-I can now sit back and stop to smell the roses.As I reflected,life has been kind to me.I have reasonable health and the luxury of going for a massage when the joints ache from all that housework and cooking,I enjoy reading and painting and time for myself to indulge in reading and testing recipes.I have a son who thinks I'm too stingy to wear street market Q and Q watches and shoes which wear out in no time. He is reasonably healthy albeit on the heavyweight side.I am contented.

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