Sunday, April 1, 2018

Food art animation

Just had a crazy idea.

After ratatoille the Disney animation on french cuisine presented through a french rat,it would be cool to put together a team of food technologist,graphic deigner,animators or classical chinese art painter  or 3d printed design to make an animation using the ingredients of chinese cuisine.Dong quai as pieces of rock sculpture,magnolia petals as building blocks of mountain,black sesame paste,black thick soya sauce as medium of calligraphy landscape,chives for grassland ,crysanthemum flowers and so to create a storyline about a chinese chef's search for the emperor's recipe for longetivity or immortality.Incorporate elements of the fantasy with a qilin's help to find the elixir of eternal life from a shepherd's dicovery of the goat's agility and strength by foraging for caterpillar fungus or cordyceps on the tibetan plateau to an encounter witha Taoist mystic who transformed into the root of ginseng to live forever underground .The chef crosses the seas to japan and encounters magical mushrooms  and etc.
           Animated food paired with real videos of actual dishes like Crossing the bridge noodles,a heartwarming tale of loyal love and etc.So far out ideas would whet appetite of movie goers who would be willing to pay a bomb if a nearby restaurant serve those recipes in an outdoor dining event with music from the anime broadcasted to add ambience to a fine dining experience.View and dine hmmn .Experiental moments add value to the cinemagoing experience.View and dance or view and sing  or view and martial arts.

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