Thursday, December 20, 2018

fast moving technology

Technology evolves at breathtaking speed .What was a wildly hot IT application can become obsolete so fast.Jun was engrossed as many youths were in the early heyday of social media with Friendster and Myspace and all that has vanished as with the Dodo bird nowadays.
       So when social media sites like facebook and twitter do not protect the privacy of users with strong anti hacking programs,the data can be manipulated by unscrupulous agents to shape public opinion to sway voters in elections or be used by authoritarian governments to spy on dissidents and social activists,thus endangering their work in civil movements.So it is crucial for social media companies to engage with social activists in civil societies who work to empower the marginalized and powerless so that they are not under the surveilance of authorities and their work protected by encrypted software that is non hackable by state authorities.
           How important is data protection is when private data is hacked,it exposes users to scammers,spammers and programmers who use your identity for malicious purposes.Instead of protecting the powerful and famous,these social media companies should sit up to protect the millions of ordinary users from malware,trolls and scams.Once abandoned enmass ,they would end up like Myspace and Friendsters.

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