Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Has Humanity conquered nature?

Looking at the effects of devastation caused by climate change,do you think Man has conquered forces of nature.From wild fires that strike dry areas of California,bush fires in Australia,floods due to global warming,more severe tsunamis and hurricanes,tornados,have we reached the anthropocene age in which the effects of men's activities has changed our environment to the irreversible point.
                 When temperate fruit commercial farming on a large scale drains up the groundwater,loss of trees for retention of ground water,increase in surface temperature due to global warming ,overgrazing of plant cover due to animal husbandry,building of dense residential and commercial districts requiring massive water supplies, all may possibly contribute to droughts,famine and lack of drinking water in the near future.how prepared are world government for dealing with natural disasters on a regular basis?
              We need to question the powers that control the circumstances of people in all countries.Governments need to consider and address problems concerning environmental destrruction -farming that drains ground water that is a source of drinking water for humans,deforestation leading to desertification,the melting of polar glaciers that cause rise in sea level and threaten coastal cities,wildfires cause widespread loss of lives and property
             Humans are the only species hell bent on self destruction.Through centuries ,the population boom was controlled through natural disasters like earthquakes,volcanic eruption,or drought and famine or manmade disasters like nuclear war and pandemic.With science we managed to mitigate the devastations of natural disasters but still initiate manmade disasters to drive ourselves to extinction.
          So when we overconsume ,we tun to mass commercial farming to increase food production with effects of pollution of the soil and water.Pesticides,herbicides and so on cause loss of fertility of soil and toxify the food chain.
      To increase survival rate of mass production of livestock like hens and pigs ,we pump them with growth hormones and antibiotics,so when a strong antibiotic resistant virus mutates like avian and swine flu,it will decimate huge populations of livestock with poor immune system.Instead those  wildlife stock retain a strong immune system and when people consume wildlife like nomad hunters eating infected monkeys or infected blood of primates come into contact with open wounds of humans,,AIDS virus is transmitted to human or when wildlife infects human host,we are vulnerable to these alien virus.So humans should stop consumption of exotic anamals like pangolin,civet cats,bats or snakes  to prevent driving wildllife to extinction and driving ourselves to extinction by  infection with strong mutated virus.Maybe vegetaranism is the more sustainable lifestyle for the future.But cultural traits are hard to erase like Japanese consumption of whales,dolphins,sea urchins and Chinese consumption of wildlife like rats ,snakes and bats.

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