Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Looking back to those days


Listening to Suet Fun's audio recording reading from her book of poems "Discourse with birds" brought me back to those days when we were full of fire.Now that fire has dimmed and our brain slowly turning foggy trying to recall those days.Sitting in the concourse,talking about everything under the sun.Going to the economics faculty canteen to drink copious cups of teh tarik,munching on curry puffs and whining about the assignments which we had to go to the main library to do research.Me being diverted to read not the recommended selected readings but forbidden love of chin ping mei or golden lotus or carson mc cullers the heart is a lonely hunter to yasunari kawabata "the snow country.'
 Then the cookout in my kitchen in which we ate non stop without worrying about weight gain. Or driving down to Klang to savour seafood or meditating in a retreat in pangkor island and asked not to swat the annoying mosquitos for its a sentient being.Watching a blazing red sunset under the coconut palms.
           How fast time flies,Now we attend funerals more than weddings ,spending more on medication than junk food.Age is catching up and I feel it in my bones (especially after the knee turns creaky after zumba) I splurge on luxury not of ice cream and cakes but my massage and ointments."Those were the days my friends,we thought they will never end" 

 The words were hanging by a thread
trying to escape the edge of my lips
"Do you remember the time when.....
But now your voice is silenced
while I stifle a small cry that threatens to tear me up
oh shut up your mournful music
and let me see your crazy dance
hearts warming to the beat of drums
as the waves crush upon the sandy shore
and the pale moon  drift behind the clouds
as if one day the music will die


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