Monday, July 3, 2017

Where to get my fix of indie music and movie!

Thank you for those who upload their favourite movies and music on youtube.I can get my fix of indie alternative music and movies from all over the world.---No need to depend on lousy store purchasers who are ssso boring in their selections .Something eclectic is so hard to get.

Now why must bookshops like Kinokuniya be so conservative-have some cosplay activities,some anime workshops or Japanese puppeteers to expand the cultural experience.Better still bring in famous J rock stars to perform and sell their CDs and DVDs there or better still release them in the form of pendrive or flash drives which has optical projection so that while someone is driving ,I can plug in the USB drive into the car port and put on a VR goggle and smart phone to view Yoshiki's concert or watch an old Kurosawa movie.Cool ,no need to get stressed out by the terrible standstill traffic jams.

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