Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Study of history

Students generally relate the study of history as a memorization of facts,dates and events and not relevant to the present but those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.The past offer us reminders of mistakes made by our predecessors that provided trigger points that escalate to conflict and war, a guide to correct steps to reforms that lead to progress and an understanding on why certain policies at present are shaped by past beliefs and attitudes.
   If given the chance ,the study of Egyptian and Persian history would be done through visits to virtual museums or study how archaelogists excavate sites.   They could visit nearby countries UNESCO historical sites. They could interview survivors of wars to get oral history.  They can study plays,novels or dramas written by authors and poets in the past and recreate dramas in costumes and historical setting to understand the thoughts and feelings of people in the past.So to understand Machievellian thinking of political manipulation,The Prince could be reenacted.In understanding how religion spread ,watch the movies like The Legend of Demon Cat or visit a movie set to see how stage directors recreate the costumes and lifestyles of ancient people. In music,they learn about how to play classical musical instruments and songs of that time and stage a concert instead of writing an essay.Using 3D printers they design and recreate replicas of historical artifacts or fabric design of the past to put up a mock museum exhibit and record  a journal of their attempts to understand the past.
   Cookery lessons or traditional healthcare could investigate past medical treatment like with leeches or bee sting.Traditional  recipes could be tried out and the subject of human geography be introduced together with anthropology and sociology to learn relevance of traditions to culture.
Now if I have the manpower and the monetary means,I would revamp the whole process of learning history. Day dreaming coz the cheapest way is chalk and talk.

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