Saturday, December 31, 2022

Be proud of your past

 History is a mirror of who we are today.So i dont forget my roots and im proud i come from the working middle class.i grew up in a shophouse whete we see our parents toil from 9am to 9pm 6 days a week,only closing shop on public holidays and Sunday.Their hard work ethic,frugality and perseverance enabled us children to live a better a street kid,i was good at dodging cars when running across the busy road,i knew how hard the stallholders at the wet market were,waking up  at the crack of dawn at 5am to unload vegetables,poultry n meat from the trucks.i enjoy eating street food cooked piping hot for us or watch the street performers like chinese medicine man showing kung fu moves to sell bottles of ointment,the indian snake charmer with his basket of cobras and playing his flute or during the chinese ghost festival,giant effigies of god of Hades was erected on the roadside and we were warned not to wander out after dark in case of meeting a hungry ghost.we even watched open air movies or chinese opera on the streets.

Tonite i had excellent street food at the dai pai dong or dai chow or big stir fry stall at O and S restaurant in Sea Park.the butter prawns,marmite chicken and beancurd in meat sauce was comfort food.its a clean,no fanciful cutlery,plastic chairs occasion and a familiar nostalgia of my childhood

food.pang,chang,, and good.

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