Sunday, September 1, 2024

Chinas falling birth rate

Now i understand the bigger picture on reasons the Chinese govt is pushing for a higher population growth and reversing its one child policies.Now looking at demographics,when death rate exceeds birth rate,the size of the total population shrinks and with it,a shrinking young population that makes up the active workforce and contribute to the domestic. comsumer market that boosts the GDP of a nation. Reading this article by an American varsity scientist gave me food for thought.In the past due to poor economic policies,many young Chinese had to migrate to foreign nations to seek better job opportunities.But with rapid industrialization,there is need for migrant labour to build infrastructure and supply cheap workforce for factories.With shrinking population,China may need to import a lot of foreign workers so there is urgent need to use automation or robotics in manufacturing and construction to improve competitiveness and efficiency and reduce need to import workers from foreign nations.this explains the use of AI and robots whether in the service industries like robot waiters or in manufacturing . Overpopulation is only a problem of the past when natural disasters destroyed agrarian economy and forced Chinese to migrate.But now the Chinese govt is also encouraging rural revitalization programmes to boost rural household incomes using genetic engineering to improve yields and quality of crops that will be resistant to climate change so with a focus on food security and self sufficiency,China can reduce food import bills.Now consumers like me in Southeast Asia can buy lychees,grapes,mandarin oranges n even blueberries ,brocolli,carrots from China as its affordable.So what Malaysia has gone wrong is not boosting rural economy of farmers and rely on imports to meet our food consumption needs.Our agribusiness of palm oil cultivation is heavily reliant on foreign labour when we could improve efficiency using robots and mechanisation with the success invested in commercial crops like palm oil and durians,why dont we invest R n D to develop staple food like rice,vegetable and fruits.i saw an imported frozen meat supplier that sells Iberico pork products cheaper than the local pork i buy.Cant they breed Iberico pigs or Wahyu cows in Malaysia?im thinking of ordering frozen meat as its cheaper than fresh local meat. Our nation needs to revamp agricultural policies so that it meets local consumer needs.Malaysia boleh. .

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