Friday, September 20, 2024

In the swing

My niece Cal is like me,a teacher who has a zest for dancing.She enjoyed learning modern dance when she was small,was captain of her high school cheerleading team until she fell and broke her wrist doing a back flip.But when she went to work,she continued her passion for swing dances in a social dance club.i prefer to dance outdoor in the park to enjoy the sun and fresh air.At least we are not like the China damas who dance to loud music at public places,disturbing residents nearby.the worst place they dance is at the cemetery for war hero memorial.they have no respect for the dead.Aiya let the ghost rest in peace.maybe they feel that the zombies wont complain of loud music unlike living beings.what crazy damas is totally socially unacceptable.creepy to dance next to tombs.

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